Writing Update Season 2 – I’ve Started a New Project (Novel)

ball point pen on opened notebook

I’ve heard plenty of authors/writers say that once you’ve sent out your batch of query letters, start a new project.

That’s exactly what I did.

In the beginning it was difficult. I was in a rut and I couldn’t find that inspiration. You know what I’m talking about? That one that has your brain working overtime. It’s trying to create the whole storyline at once.

I didn’t have that and I didn’t want to half-ass as idea. That’s practically that foundation of the book. It’s not like this is an assignment, it’s a passion.

And then it hit me.

On a Sunday, more specifically 02/12/23 (as per my Notes app). I started jotting down that major points that day. Those are obviously all subject to change as I actually start writing the manuscript.

I’m going about this project differently. Before, I wrote by the seat of my pants (I think that’s the phrase). After my first draft, I outlined. Don’t ask me why, I have no idea either.

This time, I am outlining all the way through/ I want to work out as many of the kinks as possible. I’m hoping to really get a grasp of the characters personalities and the order of events.

The excitement is bubbling as I’m writing this post and thinking about the new project.

As always, I’ll keep you guys posted throughout the journey.

I’ll also link all my previous writing updates. 🙂

Till next time.

Writing Diary #1

My Writing Diary #2

Writing Update #3 – A Surprising & Intellectually Tough Process For Me

Writing Update #4 – Slow and Steady Really Does Win the Race

Writing Update #5 – First Draft: Complete

Writing Update #6 – Sifting Through Garbage


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