Writing Update #6 – Sifting Through Garbage

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As you saw in my last post about my 2023 goals, I have finished my third draft for my manuscript. The moment I finished it, I emailed it to my group of friends who have been patiently waiting for me to finish (love them).

Really I did a bit of a fourth draft because 85% through I had an epiphany. There was an aspect of the story line that wasn’t sitting right with me but I couldn’t figure it out. I was quite literally on the last five chapters with my editing when I realized. I was so happy, overjoyed even until I realized how much of the book it changed. Not much but enough that I had to start from the beginning and comb over the entire manuscript again to adjust scenes and plot points.

Overall, I like the book more now than before. I just hope my friends do too :).

The idea of sending out this book to anyone outside of me and my mind was absolutely terrifying. It feels so vulnerable knowing that it’s finally outside of my computer, that people are going to read it and either love it or hate it. I have to remind myself that it’s my first book. Everyone has a first. Nora Roberts had her first novel so did Tessa Bailey, Colleen Hoover and so many others.

Read More: Writing Update #5 – First Draft: Complete

By the next writing update, I will have sent out query letters to literary agents. This is a hope, a dream but one that I’m *manifesting*.


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