Writing Update #4 – Slow & Steady Really Does Wins the Race

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This writing update was a very ‘in the moment’ kind of post. It’s shorter than the other ones I believe but I wanted to push myself and continue updating, even if there wasn’t much progress.

I hope you enjoy!


I’ve been reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear for over a year now. I don’t know why, it’s a great book but I just can’t seem to finish it.

Anyway, he said that if we were to get one percent (1%) better every day, then in one year, we would be 37% closer to our goals, or better than we were at the beginning.

I loved that concept in theory.

HOWEVER, i’ve been writing a little bit every day. Nothing crazy, just 200-300 words per day. Sometimes it was just 50 words.

And I write in little open moments. Like if I get to work 30 minutes early, instead of pulling out my phone (which I still do sometimes but I try not to), I write in my notebook. These little 15 – 20 minute sprints block my brain from overthinking my writing because I just want to get the words onto the page.

Read more: Writing Update #3 – A Surprising & Intellectually Tough Process For Me

I’ll have these sprints of word-vomit once a day, sometimes twice.

I try to not think of the word count but at the end of the week, on Sunday, when I type everything up, the total is usually around 800 words.

That might not seem like a lot but it’s progress. It’s pages that weren’t there before and that get me closer to the end of my first draft.

So that’s all for this writing update. Hopefully, this progress continues.

Word count: 37,015


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