Writing Update #3 – A Surprising & Intellectually Tough Process For Me

black and red typewriter

Welcome back to another writing update. This one, I hope, is more detailed. Actually, I think I might be going for more insightful rather than detailed.

(Sporadic) Updates


I started off great with my writing since the last update. I was really in a grind of writing 100-200 words a day. That may not seem like a lot but it adds up. Writing small spurts every day gets me more excited. There’s less of a chance that I’ll get stuck and start overthinking. Small increments gets me excited for the following day and seeing where the story takes us.

I was starting to think farther ahead in the storyline and I knew there was going to be a plot hole. A big one I might add. I began writing down an outline and seeing where this story was going. The process is going well but I’m still stuck on how to resolve the issue. I’m going to talk it out with a friend of mine to, hopefully, figure the problem out.


I immediately jumped out of typing this after those first two paragraphs. I don’t why. Maybe I’m just uncomfortable? Maybe I’m embarrassed or ashamed that I haven’t written a lot? Who knows.


I’m here again. Still haven’t finished this post. I just don’t want to post this without having something beneficial for you guys. But maybe my journey is the beneficial thing here. Showcasing the struggle and the roadblocks that I encounter along my journey to writing a novel.

I am starting to write a bit every day. When I say a bit, I mean there was one day that I wrote one sentence. But hey, I wrote so I’m not going to put myself down for that.

The way I’m writing at the moment is just writing down in a notebook my story. Then typing it days later when I have pages worth of words to write. I have been getting headaches lately. I think it’s because I work behind a computer screen from practically eight hours a day. When I come home, I would look at another computer screen to write. It was just so much screen time that my brain was finally making me turn away from it for larger increments of time.

So far, it’s been a slow process but there has been progress so I’m excited about that. There are a few scenes that I can’t wait to write. It’s nice having something to look forward to within the novel writing process itself.

Word Count: 33,272

I think I enjoy the semi-time stamps. They give a more day-to-day glimpse of the struggle haha. I might have a similar outline to this next time.

Are you working on any projects? Let me know in the comments!

Read more: Writing Update #1 & Writing Update #2


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