Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert Review | A Bummer…

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I finished Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert around three weeks ago. Immediately, I wrote my review in my journal after because I didn’t want to lose my initial thoughts.

I just had other blogs planned already in advance (which I’m very happy about, but that’s a different story) so this was the closest I could upload it.

As always, the Goodreads summary comes first and then my personal review.

Goodreads Summary

She was the face that launched a thousand ships,
The fierce beauty at the heart of Olympus,
And she was never ours to claim.

*A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Helen of Troy, Achilles, and Patroclus that’s as sinful as it is sweet.*

In Olympus, you either have the power to rule…or you are ruled. Achilles Kallis may have been born with nothing, but as a child he vowed he would claw his way into the poisonous city’s inner circle. Now that a coveted role has opened to anyone with the strength to claim it, he and his partner, Patroclus Fotos, plan to compete and double their odds of winning.

Neither expect infamous beauty Helen Kasios to be part of the prize…or for the complicated fire that burns the moment she looks their way.

Zeus may have decided Helen is his to give to away, but she has her own plans. She enters into the competition as a middle finger to the meddling Thirteen rulers, effectively vying for her own hand in marriage. Unfortunately, there are those who would rather see her dead than lead the city. The only people she can trust are the ones she can’t keep her hands off—Achilles and Patroclus. But can she really believe they have her best interests at heart when every stolen kiss is a battlefield?

Personal Review on Wicked Beauty

Helen Kasios is trying to prove a point to herself, her family and the rest of the Thirteen that she has what it takes to be among the gods. It sounds a little dramatic but it makes sense in her case.

Achilles has known he was destined for greatness since he was a child. His lover, Patroclus, will do whatever it takes to help Achilles’ dream of becoming Ares come true.

I surprisingly enjoyed the tournament. Initially, I thought I would have to push through.

In my mind, I prepared them to be like useless scenes that the author felt obligated to put in because of the nature of the plot. However, there was so much detail that went into those moments that the sequences were fantastic.

Robert dived into moments within those games but she skimmed enough that it didn’t feel like fluff.

I do wish, though, that there had been more scenes between Achilles, Patroclus, and Helen as an official couple. Maybe a scene where they went to a party of the Thirteen and got peoples’ reactions.

I just felt like they got together and then the book ended. I guess it’s a good sign because I just wanted more of them.

To emphasize, I’m not talking about anything sexual. More conversations among them or about them together would have, I don’t know, maybe solidified it more for me.

But individual character moments, where we got to see them alter their thinking and start to shift in their own opinions, was great. Their personalities were each unique and worked well together.

Would I recommend Wicked Beauty to someone?

Yes, but I would prepare them that (1) this is the third book in a series so I suggest you read the previous ones, (2)a lot of fighting and not a lot of romance so just be prepared, and (3) when the romance comes *haha*, you might want some privacy.

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