Why You Need to Be Meal Prepping

We’ve all been there––having a long or stressful day or maybe even both and then coming home to no prepared food. The last thing you want to do is cook dinner. I’ve learned that meal prepping is ESSENTIAL for me to make sure I eat healthy.

It does not matter if you’re in college or working full time. Meal prepping is great to make sure you get all the nutrients you need without having to think about it too much. 

Meal prepping does not mean you have to cook on Sunday for the entire week. I, personally, cannot eat the same thing all week. You can make 2-3 meals and then alternate.

My busy days are Tuesday – Thursday, my busiest being Tuesday because I’m busy from 10:30 until 6:30/7. I really meal prep on Mondays and the food I cook lasts me 3 or 4 days. Then, I just meal prep again. My trick so that I do not get sick of eating the same food is that I change up my lunch everyday. Having some alteration helps me not feel like I’m eating the same meal all the time. 

If I don’t meal prep then I’m most likely going to have a bowl of cereal and milk or oatmeal and that’s it. Having those as a meal is fine, but dinner time is basically the meal that I make sure I get my vegetables in. Therefore, no vegetables for dinner then no vegetables for the entire day. 

Obviously, if I’m still craving cereal for dinner then I’ll have it. I just try to minimize it and never give myself the excuse that I don’t have food already prepared. 

I’ve learned to find your staples in the beginning. When I go to the grocery store, I have one bag of frozen vegetables that I always get. It has broccoli, carrots, edamame, and corn. For meats, I get chicken, steak, and ground turkey. I then switch between potatoes, rice or pasta. I don’t limit my food groups because I could not live without my carbs. 

Also, do not stray from what you enjoy eating. I like to save money since I’m on a budget so I don’t branch much out of my comfort zone when it comes to food.

It might be a bit overwhelming the first few times when you are cooking large amounts of food, but you’ll quickly grow accustomed to it.

What do you like to cook?

Why YOU Should Be Meal Prepping

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