Update on My Writing Journey (January 26nd)

I’ve been meaning to update you guys on my writing journey lately. I feel bad I kind of left this hanging for as long as I did. However, here we are. If you haven’t read my original post about my writing journey, click here.

I tried the whole Wattpad thing, but it just doesn’t work for me. At least not in novel format. I have uploaded a short story that I originally wrote for one of my creative writing courses last semester. I’m pretty proud with how it turned out. Click here to read The Missing Shoe.

Regardless, I did start a novel (with a whole outline!!). I’m two chapters in and I love writing it. My phone is always on hand incase any ideas pop up in my head. The notes section on my phone is filled to the brim of not only story ideas but specific scenes. Sometimes I’ll see something within my surroundings and I’ll think “wow, it would be cool if so and so did that.” I just hope it works out to fit into the book; if not, I’m sure it would suit another book.

I have a goal of finishing the first draft by May. Finishing it earlier would be great but with school and job applications, I know that I won’t be able to give the book my constant attention. Being an avid reader is still a big part of this blog so I have to continue reading to keep the creative juices flowing.

I’ll keep you guys posted with any twist and turns, maybe some information about the novel too :). I hopefully I’ll be able to update you guys more regularly.


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