To Blog or Not to Blog – My Journey with Blogging

a vintage typewriter

There was a point this past weekend that I wondered “have I ever mentioned why I started a blog?” So I figured I would discuss the events that led to me starting my own blog and why I’ve continued to maintain it.

How did I start?
It was May/June of 2020. I had been home for months already because of Covid. I was cooped up and it was starting to affect me. My parents continued to work so I was by myself at home every day. I just wanted something to do and I was watching YouTube one day and a video popped up on how someone was making $3000/month just from blogging. At the time, that blogger (BySophiaLee) just graduated from college and I was currently going in to my senior year of college.

I went into her blog and she had a whole section dedicated to showing how to start a blog. I followed it to a T. By the next day, I was writing my first blog. By June 12, I posted my first blog post. I thought I could make side cash and start paying off my loans before I even graduated.

Why do I continue?
I love writing. I love putting my writing out there on the internet, even if only a select few read it. There’s this really funny feeling (I guess you can describe it as wholesome) when I look at my analytics and see people from other countries have read my blog posts. It’s mind boggling and surreal.
I’m also writing a novel (I feel like I mention this in every other post but oh well) so having a blog lets me practice my craft. Writing blog posts allows me to not take writing so serious. They’re just words on a page. 

Starting my blog was for an extra bit of side cash. However, I continue to write because it gives me an outlet for my writing. If I have a particularly stressful situation, writing always helps me let off some steam.

Read More: What I’ve Been Up To: Books and Television

I encourage anyone who loves writing and feels like they have something to say to start blogging. If you don’t want your own blog, you can start writing articles and try selling them to magazines or websites. You never know where writing can take you.


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