This Is How You Get Out Of a Slump

Life has just been a bit overwhelming lately; I have been in a mental slump. Let me preface this by saying that I love my family, I wouldn’t trade them for the world. BUT, it’s just feels like constant questions:

“How’s the job hunt going?” “I heard about this open position…” “Have you heard about this company? You should apply.”

The questions are always the same. At every family occasion someone asks me one of these questions. I know they mean well and they only want to see me succeed. However, it adds stress; unnecessary stress I might add. I feel that graduates don’t get a moment to celebrate that they graduated. I also understand that there are people that don’t have the privilege of getting to relax, but I do.

The idea of sitting down at a desk job sounds horrible for some reason. I’m trying to explore different avenues that I can go down that don’t involve that environment. It might take me awhile and require patience. That’s fine with me. My 20s are meant for me trying new things, failing and finding success in those failures.

I read a book last year called The Defining Decade by Dr. Meg Jay (click here to read my review). She talks about how some people throw away their twenties by creating strict criteria for themselves. By giving themselves deadlines, they lose sight of the journey and add-on unnecessary stress to themselves. Your twenties are about creating capital with your skills and other aspects of your life so that they eventually build the character you want to be.

I tell myself that these next few years of my life are just for that. There are still days when I feel utterly powerless. Those feelings usually happen right after I get rejected from a job.

What I do to combat the “slump” is to do anything that gives me a resemblance of power back; anything that results in immediate change. For instance, working out gives me alters my mindset, my emotions because I’m exhausted but I feel accomplished and it gets the endorphins flowing. Similarly, cleaning, cooking, writing any of those allow my brain to shut off, gives me a sense of reseting my mind.

I think it’s also important to realize that everyone has bad days and that if you just want to veg out on the couch and binge a show, that’s perfectly fine.

Tomorrow is always a new day.

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