Spend Time with Friends Without Breaking the Bank

Spend Time with Friends

Whether you’re in college, a working woman or both and just want a girls night in to relax. But you also don’t want to go out and spend a fortune on drinks or restaurants. Below I will give you ideas on different ways to spend time with friends without breaking your wallet.

At Home Dinner

Imagine you and your friends, cooking a meal together and chatting about your lives. Cooking at home gives you guys privacy and the relaxed atmosphere that you might not get at a restaurant. It’s not expensive to cook a meal at your home, especially if everyone brings something with them like a potluck. Or you guys could alternate every week with one person hosting a dinner at their house. 


Similar to having dinner together, you guys could also bake. You could have a baking contest like you see on the show Sugar Rush that’s on Netflix. Then, you can enjoy them afterward and I don’t know if this is something everyone likes, but having something sweet with a cold glass of milk completes the whole experience.

Stream a Series and/or Watch a Movie

Being a college student, my roommate and I have watched multiple shows together. We’ve seen The Crown, The Discovery of Witches, and Sugar Rush just to name a few series. It’s a great way to bond with a roommate in college if you want to find ways to spend time together. You can learn a lot about a person by their taste in shows and movies.

Book Club

This is a personal preference but sharing your love of books and being able to get excited about a book with someone else feels amazing. My roommate and I have shared about 10 books between the both of us. One of us will have read the book before and then while the other one reads it afterward, we can relive through the exciting and anxious moments. My friends and I have read Me Before You, The Discovery of Witches Trilogy, Crazy Rich Asians Trilogy.

Go for a Walk / Exercise Class

Going to an exercise class can be pretty intimidating the first time so I highly recommend having a friend to go with. Not only will it be less intimidating but you have more fun because you see your friend struggling right alongside you. 

Run Errands

I feel that this is quite underrated and I don’t really know why. My friends would sometimes text me when I was home if I wanted to tag along with them. I was always quick to jump on for two reasons: to just get out of my house and for the possibility of memories. Memories can happen anywhere and at any moment.


Museums are fantastic and there’s such a variety of them in each state. The best part is that some museum’s entrance fees are based on donations. The entrance for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is based on donations and that’s fantastic news for college students. Museums are a great way to get out of the house without spending that much money. If you want more tips on how to save money as a college student, read my article 6 Ways to Save Money in College


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