Set on You by Amy Lea | We all need to get a gym membership

Set on You by Amy Lea

I requested Set on You by Amy Lea on NetGalley. If you don’t know what NetGalley is, its a website that readers can sign up, free of charge, and request to read ARCs. They have literal thousands of books to chose from, science fiction to autobiographies. I’ll link it down below if you want to check it out.


A gym nemesis pushes a fitness influencer to the max in Amy Lea’s steamy debut romantic comedy.

Curvy fitness influencer Crystal Chen built her career shattering gym stereotypes and mostly ignoring the trolls. After her recent breakup, she has little stamina left for men, instead finding solace in the gym – her place of power and positivity.

Enter firefighter Scott Ritchie, the smug new gym patron who routinely steals her favorite squat rack. Sparks fly as these ultra-competitive foes battle for gym domination. But after a series of escalating jabs, the last thing they expect is to run into each other at their grandparents’ engagement party.

In the lead up to their grandparents’ wedding, Crystal discovers there’s a soft heart under Scott’s muscled exterior. Bonding over family, fitness, and cheesy pick-up lines, she just might have found her swolemate. But when a photo of them goes viral, savage internet trolls put their budding relationship to the ultimate test of strength.

Personal Review

When I read the summary of Set on You, I wanted to read it so badly. The idea seemed so unique to me. I hadn’t heard of anything like this. I was slightly heartbroken when I was denied. Forgotten, I kept on reading my other books. A few weeks later, I saw Amy Lea’s instagram came up on my explore page.

It was the publication day announcement of Set on You. Coincidence? I think not.

So that following weekend, I went to my local Barnes & Noble store. I bought the book (along with some other ones).

Read more: The Roommate by Rosie Danan Review | Phenomenal, Absolutely Phenomenal

Once I started the book, I couldn’t put it down. If it weren’t for my job, I would have finished the book in one day.

I loved the family dynamic within the Chen family. It seemed so authentic and really spoke to me. The relationship between Crystal and her father was so realistic. I feel that a lot of people, especially within this newer generation, have that same occurrence with their own parents.

Solid 4.5/5

The half star off is because of the miscommunication trope. This is obviously personal to me. I’ve just read so many books with this trope that its getting kind of old to me.

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