Resolutions for 2024 – Sticking with it this Time!

red notebook on the table

It’s December 26th and I just wrote down my New Years Resolutions for next year. I want to try and maybe do a blog post at the end of every month to come back to my list and see what I’ve accomplished, what I’ve worked on or what I need to work on for the following month.

  1. Workout 200 times

When I make my plan for the week and I write ‘workout 4 times a week’ it seems a bit daunting or I put pressure on myself and then when I don’t reach it, I feel like a failure. Doing 200 times in the year means on average 4 times a week. Will it work? I don’t know but it doesn’t hurt to try.

  1. Eat out only twice a week

I don’t really have a thing about eating out. It’s a health thing, it’s a money thing. Food, even fast food has gotten so expensive and I just want to limit how much I spend on this.

  1. Wake up at 6am everyday

I love the mornings. Getting up early, making my cup of coffee, and sitting outside in the morning sun, that’s what I live for. I’m usually a morning person but since I started my job over two years ago, I haven’t been really getting up early so I want to try and change that.

  1. Stretch 5 times a week

Some might think this can go in the exercise bucket but no. My stretching routine usually takes five minutes in the morning. I do this, well more like I WANT to do this, because I have a desk job and I sit down for long periods of time and my lower back and hips start to feel stiff and tense.

  1. Blogging once a week

As you can see, I have been very off and on when it comes to posting and I would like to rectify that issue. I’m going to ask one of my friends to be my accountability partner. At least until I have a built in routine for it where there will be less friction for me doing the thing.

Read my most recent post: Hard Truths About My Writing Journey

  1. Start a podcast

I did start a podcast at the end of 2020? 2021? It was one of those years. I did about three episodes and stopped. I got nervous and shy and psyched myself out. Again, with my accountability partner, I’m hoping to fix that.

  1. Journal weekly

This doesn’t mean journal ONLY once a week but I don’t want to put pressure on myself and say ‘journal everyday’ because there will be somedays where I don’t want to for whatever reasons.

  1. Travel to Portugal, Madrid, and ???

I’m traveling to Portugal and Madrid in the Spring with my family so I’m looking forward to that!! My friends and I haven’t decided if we’re doing something in the Fall.

  1. Create and follow a budget

This is a big one for me. I always create budgets. They look pretty and everything is detailed. But then I forget to follow it so I’m going to make time every week to sit down and focus on my budget to make sure I’m on track with all my payments and expenses.

That’s it for my New Year’s Resolutions for 2024. Let me know in the comments what are some of yours!


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3 thoughts on “Resolutions for 2024 – Sticking with it this Time!

  1. Tere Garcia ·

    Sounds like a wonderful plan. Follow it ax close as possible.