Packing Tips You Need For a Successful College Start

packing luggage
Open luggage w/ sunglasses and sandals

Packing for your first semester of college can feel like a math equation. Let me tell you now, it might or might not get easier each year. Especially when you go out-of-state, you can’t forget anything. I mean you could just go out and buy whatever you forgot but I don’t have that kind of budget. 

But you also don’t want to over pack because then you’ll have clothes or unnecessary items taking up space in your already small dorm room. It all depends on where you live prior to college and where you’re going.

I’m from South Florida and I’m going to Boston College so the weather is COMPLETELY different. My first winter there was also the first time that I really saw snow fall that wasn’t from a Hallmark movie XD. 

The summer before I left for college I was constantly on Pinterest. I looked at countless dorm packing lists, picking and choosing what I should take and things I should buy. My absolute favorite part was when my mom and I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond. 

For those of you who haven’t, I’ll explain. You walk in and you go to customer service, tell them that you want to do your college shopping, they give you their college essentials list and a scanner. You heard me, A SCANNER. I was so shocked because I’ve only ever seen it used for baby showers or wedding registries.

Let me tell you, it’s dangerous because you don’t see the amount of items you have scanned until the end when you pay. Yet, it’s so much fun because it’s a new chapter of your life and you’re kind of going to be on your own for the first time. 

Anyways, the best part is you can schedule to pick it up at the Bed, Bath & Beyond closest to your college. This saves SO much space when you’re packing and alleviates a lot of stress since you won’t have to do anything at the other store besides go and pick up your order (which will be large). 

Besides the items you need for your room, you need to also think of clothing. If you didn’t know whether you had a specific style you liked, you will by the time you finish packing. I thought I would be sheik, with cute summer dresses and shorts for the first two months of Fall semester. I did take the dresses, but I didn’t wear them.

The number one thing I recommend and live by are vacuum-seal bags. It’s one of the best purchases I’ve made for storage/organization. You put bed sheets in there and once the air is sucked out, it’s about 1-2 inches thick. I put all my sweaters, pants, and shirts and it saved so much space in my luggage. They come in different sizes, depending on what you’re trying to squish. I bought mine at Walmart and the Container Store, but I’m sure you can find them on Amazon too.

Anyways, after the first two months of college in Boston, Fall weather hits and the dresses are already put away. Incoming students need to know what’s going to work for their climate and don’t over bring. Worst case scenario your parents can ship you whatever you left behind if it’s that important to you.

The first time you have to pack for college can seem stressful but it will get better. You’ll learn as you go along and know what you will and won’t use. 

In my case, I can store my winter clothes and all my other belongings for the summer so all I worry about are the clothes that I’m taking home with me.  

You’re going to be fine, just remember to not wait until the last minute and think about your decisions realistically.


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