Overwhelmed: 2021 Word of the year

man near carton boxes with many different words about stress

I have been so overwhelmed lately. It just feels like it a mountain of situations that just keep adding on top of one another–graduating from college, getting a job that isn’t what I imagined for myself.

Just writing this post has my thoughts everywhere. I don’t know what to narrow down on, giving my brain the opportunity to focus on that one thing. Some days my focus will be on my writing, other day it’ll be on getting into a career where I can make money and pay off my student loans. I wish there was an off button, or maybe just a pause one, to give my brain time to decompress.

Every weekend I tell myself that I’m going to create a morning routine. A flexible one where I have a set time to complete a “routine” and whatever I’m feeling that day is what it entails.

Meditating is great, I tried it and I loved how calm it made me. But when Monday morning comes around, I feel like I don’t have the time to sit still in the morning. I know that’s on me because I could make the time. Reading puts me in a great mood, brings me joy to myself and my inner child. But once I start reading stopping is hard and I don’t want to put the story away. Afterwards I’m daydreaming about it and I don’t focus as much on work. Working out in the morning is great. It gives me energy and I feel good because it’s so productive for me and my mental health. But then if I workout, I have to shower before work. However, I like to shower after work because of all the germs from the entire day.

I. Am. Overwhelmed.

Some times I feel like I want to cry because I’m so overwhelmed struggling with this and then I go onto Instagram (I know, worst thing to do) and I see all of these girls who appear to have their lives together. They wake up early, workout, journal, shower, and basically have half a day’s worth of stuff done before 10am.

For my job, I get up at 5:30am every day. I’m out of my house (well, my parent’s house) between 6:30-6:45 and once I get home around 5ish. I. Am. Exhausted. There’s just so much noise in my head some times–the thoughts wire my brain. My drive home is filled with action plans I’m will accomplish when I get there. I’m exhausted by the time I step foot into my house. I want to go on TikTok and live vicariously through others that are seemingly living a life I want to.

I know this is all not permanent. I’m going through a period in life where everything is constantly changing and no matter how much I don’t want to, I compare my successes with everyone else that graduated with me.

Overwhelmed is the name of the game right now. I’m taking it day by day, trying to find things that make me happy and inspire me to stay focused, internal or external.


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