New Years Resolution Update – January 2024

So we’re one month into 2024 and let us see how I’m progressing with my new years resolution.

Click here to read my Resolutions for 2024.

1. Workout 200 times

To be quite honest, I haven’t exercised. Not once. Now reminiscing, I feel bad about it. I should have prioritized it. And I will. February, I’ll make a point to workout at least 3x a week just to get into the habit of it.

2. Eat out only twice a week

This has been going well. I haven’t been spending that much money on food. I’m hoping to keep this momentum going for the foreseeable future.

3. Wake up at 6am everyday

Another one that has been a bust lately. Not for long however. I changed my hours at work so now I’m scheduled for 7:30am – 2:30pm. Now I will be waking up at 5 for work every morning and I’m hoping this will encourage me to work on my sleep schedule and going to sleep earlier the night before.

4. Stretch 5 times a week

I’ve stretched only a few times this past month. I wish I had been better about this but I know I can do it with the right routine.

5. Blogging once a week

This has been going great! I currently have a backlog of posts so I’m not worried at the about writing every day for the blog.

6. Start a podcast

I have not worked on this at all. This will come to fruition throughout the year. I’m not too worried about it right now.

7. Journal weekly

I have journaled off and on that past month. I’m really just pushing myself to writing something. It can be a few sentences. I just want to habit of doing the thing rather than it being in depth just yet.

8. Travel to Portugal, Madrid, and ???

My family and I are still finalizing the trip for Portugal and Madrid which is so exciting. We leave in April and come back in the beginning of May. I can’t wait for it! As for the mystery trip, I think it’ll be domestic but I’m not quite sure just yet where.

9. Create and follow a budget

I haven’t necessarily created a budget but I have created a spreadsheet to track my spending. So far, I’m surprised (but not really when I think about it) how much my spending is me.


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