My Writing Diary #2

brown wooden desk

I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus from writing my novel. I still wrote little tidbits and notes here and there. There might have been a day or two in all of May that I sat down and wrote for over an hour. It was hard to take a step back in the beginning. I felt like I was falling behind, adding more pressure to myself and it wasn’t doing me good.

Taking a step back has allowed me to look at my book from a wider lens. I’ve been thinking about the plot and holes that I might have had. Now, I’m slowly making my way back into the story and my excitement for this story is being rekindled. I really needed this time away to remember the why I love writing and to just not put so much pressure on myself to right thousands of words a week.

As I’m slowly making my way into this next push of writing, I am writing a little every day. I rather take twice as long for it to be infinitely greater. I’m about 40% into the plot. Act 2 is in progress and now I’m focusing more on the character arcs and the main couple individually. I remind myself that the first draft just have to get written. The words of this draft will be the foundation, skeletons if you will, for the overall project.

Word Count: 28,228

See you next time!

Read about My Previous Writing Update here.


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