My Writing Diary #1

black and red typewriter

It’s definitely been a while since I did a writing diary. The previous post similar to this was called an update. But feel like this journey’s too personal to call it anything but a writing diary.

Click here to read see my Writing Journey.

I’ve been meaning to write about my journey and my struggles but I felt like I didn’t have anything to say. At least nothing of substance. I’m trying to work through that and see that within that silence, there is something to write about. (God that sounds philosophical).

So here I am, trying to write a book. Well, another book. I wrote one that took me about 8 months to draft. After learning a lot, I don’t think that book is ready to see the light of day for many MANY years, if ever.

I started drafting this new book at the beginning of January. It has been a whirlwind. I don’t know how to explain it but there’s this part of my brain that solely consists of this book. The plot, the characters and what they would be doing, and their own individual journey’s within the story.

I’ve slowly come to the realization that it may very well take me a year or 18 months to write this book.

My writing schedule in the beginning was putting words down every day. But I have a full time job and it’s just not possible for me. Not saying that others can’t, kudos to them, I’m fucking envious. I just feel drained after work and then driving to and fro so I come home and cook, shower and read to escape this forsaken cycle of my daily life.

After a few weeks of putting that pressure on myself, I began feeling the signs of burnout. I ignored it. Continued ignoring it until I couldn’t anymore. I put my novel down and didn’t write anything for almost a month.

I came to the conclusion that I needed to change how I was writing. I wanted to write the first draft as quickly as possible. My story would have been shit if I continued down that road. Speed is not what makes a book, quality does.

I’ve slowly come to the realization that it may very well take me a year or 18 months to write this book. But at least it’ll be written in a manner that I am proud of. I will have taken my time and no one could take away the pride and happiness I would feel towards myself.


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