My Bookshelf Tour – A Sprinkle of Everything

My Bookshelf Tour

I’m surprised I haven’t done a bookshelf tour before. I honestly don’t know how this is going to go, but hopefully there’s some kind of point to this at the end.

I don’t know how to quantify the amount of bookshelves I have. As you can see from the pictures below, I have three shelves on my wall (they’re from Ikea and I absolutely love them). Then I have one actual bookcase against one of my walls.

The three shelves on my wall hold all the books I have read and that I have kept. I recently ‘unhauled’ around 12 books that I wasn’t going to read or did read and didn’t enjoy. There were also a few school books mixed in there that I was so glad to get rid of. Now, those shelves have more space for the new books I finish. These books are organized in order of the author’s last name. I probably would change it if I had loads more of novels but it’s simple enough for me and I have multiple books from the same author.

My Bookshelf Tour
My Bookshelf Tour

The bookcase holds only the books I haven’t read. I know there are people who have more books, maybe over 100, but for me, this is a lot. I’m not allowed to buy anymore books. That’s what I tell myself. Somehow I still end up at Barnes and Noble every few weeks and coming out with at least two books.

Read More: How I Fell In Love With Reading

Anyways, the bottom shelf is primarily of my yearbooks from high school and my one college yearbook. The third shelf has mostly standalones with an array of romance, classics and just fiction novels. Fantasy *cough cough* Throne of Glass *cough cough* and standalone romances. The Throne of Glass series being on this shelf isn’t the most accurate since, I’m currently listening to them in audiobook. So far, I’ve listened to the first one an I’m on Crown of Midnight. I’ll probably move them over once I finish the entire series.

And then, finally my top shelf doesn’t actually have books but it has the few DVDs that I own. Not that I can really do anything with them since I don’t think there’s even a DVD player in my house.

There are some fake plant decorations (I somehow can’t seem to take care of real ones). Photos scattered throughout and some birthday cards right now since my birthday recently passed.

I think that about covers my bookshelf tour. I’m hoping I can make a good dent into my physical tbr pile before the end of the year. And yes, I say physical because I have Kindle Unlimited and I read about three books on there for every one physical book that I read. Some might consider it a problem but oh well.


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