Made Men Series by Danielle Lori | The BEST Book Boyfriends

I know that there is another novel in the Made Men series by Danielle Lori coming out. I, however, don’t want to wait to do a full review. We’re just going to get right into it.

The Sweetest Oblivion

The Sweetest Obsession


The man. The myth. The legend. Nico Russo. I felt like he needed that introduction. The Sweetest Oblivion could only be described as sinfully good. There were perfect mixtures of angst, spice, tension, EVERYTHING. Nico checks off all the boxes for the alpha male, mafia man.

The writing was so beautiful. I was surprised, seeing that this was self-published. Sometimes the writing for those leaves a lot to be desired and I catch myself critiquing the writing more than enjoying the story.

I loved the mystery surrounding Elena and the previous fling. However, by the end I felt like it was overindulged. Once the truth came out I kind of felt let down.

The Maddest Obsession

The Maddest Obsession


We love a possessive male interest. The Maddest Obsession was the first time I have encountered a man so openly obsessed with the love interest that he had to get professional help.

Christian alone was fantastic, but having read Nico right before, the comparison just wasn’t the same.

The plot was fantastic. Jumping between past and present kept me on my toes as a reader.

The Darkest Temptation

The Darkest Temptation


HOLY SHIT! The Darkest Temptation was absolutely amazing. From a spicy stand point, it was hitting all the marks *wink wink*.

Ronan has the entirety of my heart. I can’t even explain why.

I really enjoyed the plot––it was original and well thought out. The deceiving plot and how it came into the book was such a focal point for my admiration of this novel. It felt like a solid foundation for the rest of the book.

I don’t know what Danielle Lori put in these books, but they have me in a chokehold. I’m so excited for the fourth book!

Click here to read my other book reviews!

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