Life Update #1 (Good to be Back!)

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Ahhh!! It’s been such a long time since I have uploaded anything on here! Life has just been hectic and exciting and scary all at once. I figure I should talk about what’s been going on through a life update for you guys.

School has been kicking my BUTT lately. I don’t know if it’s seniorities finally setting in. That sounds kind of ridiculous because it hasn’t even felt like senior year. Majority of my classes this semester consist of regular stories that I need to write and some papers thrown in there too. The professors spaced out each of the assignments to give enough time but they all decided to land in the same two-week period. So it’s been a struggle to catch up/get ahead.


A few days after the super bowl, I also tested positive for COVID so that was a bit scary. I was symptomatic so I was scared how bad it was going to get. I’m thankful that it was just common cold symptoms; the worst part was the headaches I had for about three days straight. The only remnants of symptoms that I had for the first two-three weeks after were just headaches and major brain fog. Focusing was not on the schedule. My mind could not stay on anything for more than fifteen minutes. My train of thought would break off mid-sentence sometimes.

I felt guilty for not posting here for so long. But, as we all have come to find out, I just tell myself that I needed that time to get healthy again and finally figure out a routine for this semester.

One positive thing came out of this break/recuperation time––I have been nonstop reading. I have so many reviews that I’m writing up at the moment. I will be sure to post them soon. For now, read my other reviews here.

My plan is to go back to at least once per week posts. I want to keep you guys updated on my application journey for internships and jobs in the publishing industry. I’m excited for the future but I told myself not to think about applications until April roles around. That way, I can focus and, hopefully, get ahead on my school work so I dedicate more time and energy into my applications.

Maybe I’ll write more Life Update posts. It might give me the slight pressure I need to keep going.

What have you guys been up to?


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