Kindle Unlimited | Is it worth the money?

Photo by Perfecto Capucine on Unsplash

I absolutely love Kindle and I was reading so many books at one point from there. I was reading around four books a week and probably spending $12, sometimes more. There was a promotion of Kindle Unlimited on the Amazon page. They reduced the monthly price to $4.99 for six months. Afterwards, they would raise the price to $9.99. 

Having spent roughly $12 weekly, I thought it was a great opportunity. I jumped on the offer and I haven’t regretted it at all. I read upwards to fifteen books in one month and three books the following month. If you average three books a month for the whole year, it is definitely worth it. 

Photo by Perfecto Capucine on Unsplash

Click here to sign up for Kindle Unlimited.

There is a misconception that kindle unlimited books are not the best. I will admit that I have come across books that have been self-published that the writing is subpar. I could tell that they had a good idea but their execution needed a few more drafts. Regardless, the best thing about the program is that you can just return it and it didn’t cost you anything extra. 

I have heard people assume that kindle unlimited is only for raunchy and/or erotic romance novels. While that is mostly true, I have downloaded books like Practical Law of Attraction and Financial Intelligence through the program. You have to dig a bit but there are great books in this section.

Click here to sign up for Kindle Unlimited.

If you like audiobooks, Kindle Unlimited also has you covered. If the book you pull out has and audiobook option, you have the ability to listen to the audiobook within the program. So whether you’re a reader or listener, Kindle Unlimited is a great option. 

One aspect I think is important to point out is that you can only have ten books downloaded at the same time. It does suck especially if you have multiple books that you love but then you don’t have enough space. What I usually do is I just keep one book from each series so I am reminded of it. Then if I want to reread that series, I just switch out that one book. That’s what I do and it’s working for me at this point, I’ll let you know if that changes.

Click here to sign up for Kindle Unlimited.


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