Journal Entry from 07/27 – Struggling With Direction

white notebook and pen

This was actually a journal entry of mine and I figured it might resonate with someone. If not, it still feels good that I’m uploading this post.


I’ve felt this back and forth struggle with the direction I want to take my blog. Should I ignore all of the outside voices, e.g., my parents, my doubts (I know that’s an internal voice but you get the point), and “blogging experts” who say to narrow down to a niche?

Or do I just continue (or start, really) to document my life, even as mundane as it is. It might help someone in a way I never thought how. Showcase the ups and downs of a normal, albeit boring, early-mid twenty something girl who recently graduated from college.

A woman who is just trying to figure out life and taking it day by day.

See the second option sounds more appealing to me. Being more unfiltered and raw but then the doubt kicks in, saying “you don’t have an exciting life, no one cares.” That sentence is usually in a loop in my head.

At the end of the day, you know what? I’m not trying to be exciting. Maybe relatable at best. 

It’s OK to be chaotic. 

It’s OK to start new hobbies or side hustles and then change your mind a few months later and stop.

No one said that we’re stuck with the choices we made. We’re human. We’re going to have highs and lows, successes and failures.

Being perfect isn’t fun. It’s boring. I mean think about it. If you’re perfect, then you have no room for improvement and we all have things we can improve on. 

If you’re trying to live the “ideal” lifestyle, you will either be disappointed or in a state of discontentment. 

Everyone’s idea of contentment is different. There’s no reason to try and prove a point. You will never live up to anyone’s expectations, including your own. You won’t have any if you continue putting your self worth on the opinions of people who don’t matter.

So fuck it.


I really like how it felt sharing my journal entry. It was a bit weird and vulnerable to share what I had no intention to initial showcase. But oh well.

Read More: 8 Things Running Around in My Head Vol. 1


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2 thoughts on “Journal Entry from 07/27 – Struggling With Direction

  1. Stuart Danker ·

    That’s so cool that you shared your innermost thoughts with the blogosphere. I can totally relate to almost ‘talking to myself’ like your post here, and it’s a great way to work things out. Trying to work things out in my head is tough since the ideas keep floating and morphing. But putting them down on paper allows me to address them one by one. Anyway, thanks for this post!