I Started a Podcast! (Go Check It Out)

Kat's Corner Podcast

Eekkk!! I’m excited (and very nervous) to tell you guys that I started a podcast! I was going back and forth for the past couple of months whether to start one. The podcast called Kat’s Corner (very original, I know XD). It was originally the Book Fanatic, but to keep things simple and not corner myself into a specific niche, I changed it to Kat’s Corner. I only say that because some of the links might still be under the Book Fanatic.

Click here to listen to Kat’s Corner Podcast!

I will admit that I started this podcast for, ultimately, personal reasons. I have always struggled with public speaking; the Kat’s Corner podcast is a method of helping me overcome or, more likely, manage my fear. My inflections would improve as well as being able to listening to my own voice without cringing.

Kat’s Corner is mainly about book reviews right now. I have plans to discuss really anything that pertains to books such as favorite tropes and other aspects to the world of novels.

I plan on branching outside of books in general down the road. But for now, I find comfort with novels so I want to use that topic in easing myself into the light of public speaking.

Click here to listen to my podcast!

Only the trailer and two episodes are out right now. My first episode is about the Mortal Instruments series––what I did and didn’t love. The second episode focuses on Kindle Unlimited. (I wrote an article about it, click here to read it). The podcast episode might sound a bit like an advertisement but I just wanted listeners to know everything that they could get through Kindle Unlimited.

My episodes are fairly short because I’m not comfortable talking for long periods of time. That will change with time and as I get more confident with my own opinions. The Kat’s Corner Podcast is available on Breaker, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, and Spotify.


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