How to Stay Motivated During Stressful Times

Staying motivated has been a recent struggle for me. Sometimes I feel like the workload is too much. I sometimes rather curl up in my bed and watch Vampire Diaries for the 5th time.

However, I know the world won’t wait for me so I have to push through every morning. I’m constantly working to have the future that I envisioned for myself. No one else is going to work as hard as I am to get to where I want to be.

Staying Motivated During Stressful Times

To stay motivated, I typically do smaller to do tasks right in the morning. That way, I can see myself crossing off the tasks on my list which pushes me to continue and not slow down.

Another thing I do is I try to schedule around five tasks daily. It’s less overwhelming to get everything done and if I still have time, I will start working on my to-do list for the next day. Other times, I will treat myself and call it a day, chilling with whatever book I’m currently reading.

One thing that has started to help me lately is journaling. Every morning I pull out my journal and write my affirmations for the day. These are reminders of where I want to be in the future, either occupationally or physically. Whenever I’m in a slump, I can look at the page and remember I am where I need to be.

I also make sure to write down good things that have happened lately in my life and what I am grateful for. I figure focusing on the positives will help me see more positives in life.

Journaling takes roughly five to ten minutes every morning so I write as my coffee’s brewing in the morning. I did take some getting used to in the beginning, having to remind myself or doing it at night. I quickly got the hang of it and you should definitely try it out. You won’t regret it!

One last little tidbit of advice: go outside. Trust me, going for a walk helps clear the mind and refocus your thinking. Go for a walk with a friend or by yourself. Put in some headphones and listen to your favorite playlist or podcast.

Comment and let me know how you stay motivated.

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