How do You Read – Audiobook vs. Physical Book vs. Kindle Books

How do You Read - Audiobook vs. Physical Book vs. Kindle Books

My friends and I have talked about how we read certain books. I grew up as mostly a physical book reader and then I turned more towards the Kindle/E-reader in high school. 

Busy with school, extracurricular activities and just life, the only time I truly had to sit with a book for hours was at night. The optimal coziness for me back then was having the lights off, my snuggled in bed and having my Kindle or iBooks app on my phone. With dark mode on, I would read until 2 or 3 in the morning most nights. 

Click here for All the Books I Read in January

How I did it, I don’t know. I can barely stay awake past 10pm most nights now. 

Audiobooks started becoming more of a thing for me when I started my job post-grad. Again, I didn’t have as much energy to read after work. I would just come home and be busy with cooking, exercising (sometimes), or just mindless television. I started listening to audiobooks on my way to and from work and even at work.

And then we have the combos. I recently read Fourth Wing as an audiobook and on my Kindle. Life-changing. I would listen in the car and sometimes at work and then once the day was done, I would pull out my Kindle and zoom even quicker for a few hours.

Was it cheap? No. I have Audible so it didn’t feel like I paid for the book but the Kindle version for Fourth Wing was $15 dollars!! One Five. It was insane.

Do I regret it? No but like, come on. It was unnecessarily expensive for no reason.

Click here for my New Years Resolution Update – January 2024

I listened to the entire Throne of Glass series on Audible and it was amazing. Elizabeth Evans is a master narrator. There would be a scene with 4+ characters and she portrayed each one perfectly, I never wondered who was speaking. It was just magical.

Physical books will always hold a special place in my heart because that’s how I feel in love with books. I have a 30+ physical books to read in my tbr.

But Kindle/E-readers are much more convenient for traveling and day-to-day. You can have hundreds of books at your fingertips.

Audiobooks are one of the most convenient ways to read/listen to books. You can listen in the car, on a walk, cleaning, practically anything.

Let me know in the comments how you like to read your books?


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