Hard Truths About My Writing Journey

woman sitting on bench browsing laptop

I’m back in the grind of writing. Well, really editing at this point. I’ve gone through about 2-3 drafts of this novel. The tentative title is Plus One. I say tentative but I actually like it but that could also be because it was the first title I could think of when I thought of this book. It’s hard to part ways and change.

Obviously, if it wasn’t I wouldn’t have procrastinated and not touched or looked at this novel for almost two months. Maybe three…let’s just say four and call it a day.

When I finished the third draft I actually sent it out to one agent. Just one. I wanted to feel that excitement of sending it out, of putting myself out there for real.

I never did hear back. That’s fine. A part of me was hoping I would have a response and could finally be like ‘fuck yes, I don’t have to do this editing anymore. Someone thinks it’s good enough, I’m done.’ Alas, the universe has more in store for me.

Read more: Writing Update #6 – Sifting through the garbage

After I didn’t hear back. The window is usually around three months to hear back from a literary agent. I waited. And waiting. And waiting.

It was a little crushing on the ego but I needed it. Not that I thought my novel was the next big hit but it was the reality check that I needed.

I started from the drawing board again. Four chapters in to editing it for a fourth time and I even added a new character to build more arc in to my story (which I know I will regret as I have to now include them into the rest of the plot).

Then I stopped. For whatever reason I just stopped. Stopped editing, stopped even rereading the novel. It was like I became a little hermit and just did nothing that I didn’t have to absolutely do, like go to work and eat.

I don’t know if my mind was telling me that I needed to take a step back and breathe, to not do anything rushed. Everything has a time and place and I needed to wait.

So I did. I stopped editing Plus One, also stopped blogging (as you know). I waited and waited and now I’m back almost four months later.

Here’s to hoping to get back on the rhythm. To get back to the routine of writing. To another complete draft. And to seeing where this journey takes me.


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