Happy Moments During the Holiday Blues

scenic view of mountains during dawn

I wanted to make this post about happy moments so I have some place to come back to and reminisce. Especially now when I’m still feeling the effects of the post-holiday blues.

Getting Back Into Reading

I’ve been having some good fortune with this area. I’ve had probably six books all back to back that I’ve been excited to read. I would be trying to read paragraphs anywhere I could. I’m also trying to get back into fantasy and I have mentioned that before so I’m hoping my enthusiasm really kicks in then.


I’m done, I have sent out my first batch of query letters to literary agents. I’m trying to not have any expectations, I’m just proud that I did it. Now, it’s just waiting to see what happens.


I’m trying to do more solo activities. I live in Miami so I go to the beach more frequently by myself because why not.

Love Life

So my ‘activities’ section has to do with this one. I’m on the dating apps but it feels like more pressure. My goal is to meet someone organically and that’s why I want to do things on my own. I’m very much the type of person to go places with my parents and that’s it. People say I also look young for my age so that combination of the two are not working in my favor.

Laser Hair Removal

I started doing laser hair removal last month. This may or may not be TMI but I’m just so happy to be doing this. Again, I live in Miami so the idea of having ready to go shaved legs is like a dream come true.

Read More: Happy Moments in October

So these are just some happy moments or things going on in my life. I already feel kinda better having written this down.


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