Gratitude | Semi-Reflection From May to June 2021

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I want to start working on my gratitude more, focusing on everything that I have rather than what’s missing. After graduating from college, life gets hectic. I want to make myself aware of all that I have and be grateful for the life I live. For instance, I came home after graduation and my parents didn’t rush me to get a job. I put the pressure on myself to try and rush things. They also don’t make me pay rent not that I’m saying it’s common or anything but I am grateful that I have the ability to save more money with my job.

On a different note, I’m grateful for the passion I have everyday—to keep writing, even if it’s late a night after work. It doesn’t feel like a burden to sit down at a computer and write, whether it’s for the blog or for my own stories.

And of course I’m grateful for the everyday habits in my life. I call them the basics—the roof over my head, the food I eat every day. I understand that I’m fortunate and people don’t have those things.

Lastly, I’m grateful for my parents. I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am without them. They have shown how to appreciate everything I have. They support my in most all (well most) of my decisions and are my biggest supporters.

I’m hoping to keep this gratitude thing going at least once a month so I improve on my mindfulness and reflection. Learning to live in the present moment would allow my to not have my head constantly on the future.

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