Books That Will Be Coming With Me Into 2022

pile of books

I jumped on the bandwagon of a Reading Challenge on Goodreads sometime in February. My goal was to read 100 books. I’m sad to say that I only made it to 98 books this year *insert angry emoji*.

I can’t really choose favorites when it comes to books. There’s always something about each book that is memorable and connects me to it. So technically, these are the books that I can’t get out of my head, replaying every scene even months after I read them. I have to stop myself from rereading them constantly.

Bound by Honor by Cora Reilly

I cannot get Luca and Aria out of my head. Just everything about them is on a constant loop. From their wedding day to (SPOILER ALERT) the birth of their two kids. Their two books were everything I could have wanted out of a mafia novel. I definitely think these books with be my first reread of 2022.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas

Just the entire series. It’s everything. I read it from January into February through having Covid and just a lonely time in my life. I can’t explain how much this series has effected me so far. There are some TikToks that have me sobbing sometimes from the scenes in the books.

I’m currently reading the Addicted/Calloway Sisters series. These books could have made their way onto this list if I finished all of it in 2021.

Click here to read up on my reviews!

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