Books I’m Hoping to Read in March

close up photo of stack of books on wooden stool

I haven’t done one of these TBR blog posts since 2021 I think? I have recently found myself in a reading slump. I’m hoping that doing this list for March will motivate me to get more reading done. Let’s get in to it..

1. Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey

This is the last book in the Hot & Hammered trilogy. I swore to myself that I wasn’t going to read this book. I read the Fix Her Up and by the end I had decided I wasn’t going to read it. But then throughout Love Her or Lose Her, I found myself wanting more and more of Bethany and Wes.

Read More: My Reasonable yet Aspiring Goals for 2023

2. On Writing by Stephen King

I know this is not the usual fiction reading that I do. This book was gifted to me Christmas of 2020. I have been postponing reading this book for over two years and I don’t know why but I do know that I need to read it. I think we know by now that I’m a writer. On Writing isn’t a larger book, maybe 200 pages, so it shouldn’t take long. Maybe I can read it simultaneously with a romance.

3. Tower of Dawn by Sarah J Maas

So this one is going to be read per se but I have the audiobook and I’m on a mission to finish the Throne of Glass series is it’s the last thing I do.

Read More: Writers & Lovers by Lily King Book Review | Writers Need to Read this

4. The Queen’s Assassin by Melissa de La Cruz

I’m having a ‘thirst’ for YA fantasy read. I can’t explain it. Maybe because fantasy inspired my love for reading and I’m hoping it’ll do the same thing again.

My TBR for March doesn’t seem like a lot but I’m also preparing for random books that get my attention on Kindle Unlimited.

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