5 Genius Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

Life can get hectic sometimes and that’s OK, it’s normal. I get overwhelmed sometimes that all I want to do is curl up in a ball and hide away from the world. But we can’t do that; we have to find ways to minimize our stress while getting things done. In this post, I will discuss ways that you can lessen your own stress.

Plan Out Your Day to a T

I recently gotten into the habit of time blocking and it’s been a lifesaver. Time blocking is when you plan out every minute of your day. I know it can seem daunting at first but trust me, you will be thankful in the long run. By time blocking, you are telling yourself that you will focus only on one task for the allotted time. Time blocking get you focused knowing that once time is up, you should be moving on to something else. Time blocking let’s you see the finish line in your head which gets you excited to start your task. 

Find When You Are Productive and Work

For me, I am most productive in the morning. I wake up at 7am (I’m trying to push for earlier but it’s a work in progress). By 8am I’m sitting at the kitchen table and working on my blog. I dedicate my mornings to my blog because it’s my highest priority and then after a few hours, I work on my college work––readings, writing assignments, etc. 

Go Outside

I can’t explain how important this is to diminish some your stress. I used to think it was a sham, it’s definitely not. With everything going on, I don’t have a real reason to leave my apartment. There is one class that I have twice a week and the occasional grocery run every other week. Besides those instances, I’m in my apartment constantly. My roommate and I try to go for a walk everyday for about an hour. Obviously there are days when life is just too busy and we can’t but we try to. It’s important to get your vitamin D when you can. It also helps minimize the headaches I would typically get from staring at my computer screen for hours on end.

Breaking Down Your Projects

Breaking down your tasks into smaller ones helps you feel less stressed when looking at the big picture. Once you start knocking the smaller tasks off the list, you’ll feel more motivated to push through and you might even work faster this way. In my case when I have a paper coming up or an exam, I separate the major project into smaller assignments. So everyday I can work on 1-2 pages for my paper and finish in less than a week or I can do my study guide in parts and not spend an entire day just focused on that. However, if you choose to follow this path, then you need to keep in mind that you’ll have to start earlier to meet your deadlines.

Drink Plenty of Water

This sounds pretty basic but there have been days when I realized that I had only drank one bottle of water for the entire day! I remembered though when I was complaining to myself that I had a headache. You need to keep yourself hydrated so you can perform at your best. I heard somewhere that if you struggle with your water intake throughout the day, then use a straw. I did this and it really works so you should give it a shot.

Let me know how you reduce stress in your life. 🙂

5 Genius Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

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