4 Insane Ways For You to Become Organized

I love being organized. I’m always looking for new ways to be more organized. Taking 15 credits every semester while also working and blogging, the more organized I am, the less stressed out I am. Here are some tips I live by to keep all aspects of my life organized.

How I Stay Organized

Plan My Tasks the Week Prior

On Sunday evenings, I plan out my assignments for the week. I go through each class, writing down what is due for each day. My busiest days are Tuesday – Thursday, so I spread out my tasks throughout the week to keep myself organized. This way, I never have too many obligations to worry about in one day. When I look at a long list, I immediately get exhausted. Having a shorter list encourages me to push forward and get it done.

Prioritize My Assignments

I prioritize my tasks within their respective days. If something is due that day or the next, then they’ll be at the top of my list. Its weight is lifted off my chest once I finish, motivating me to get through the rest of my list.

Time Blocking

I never knew the importance of time blocking until I got to college. With work, my blog, and school, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. To help myself, I designated time slots for each task. I have my fixed work schedule and class schedule, so those are easy to assign. Then, I allot a certain amount of time to homework and my blog (but I really dedicate any spare moment to my blog). I try not to leave too much time open, so I’ll even assign free time for myself, encouraging me to focus knowing that I have free time coming up.

Pick Out My Clothes the Night Before

I mostly leave my apartment for class and work. Sometimes I go out for walks, but that’s not the point. When I have to attend class or go to work, I pick out my clothes the night before. Living in the Northeast for college, I always check the weather app the night before, and I choose my outfit accordingly. This way, when I wake up, I’m not immediately faced with making a decision. The fewer decisions you make in a day, the more energy you retain and can redirect towards your tasks. 

4 Insane Ways to Become Organized

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